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Why New Zealand?

New Zealand is a good jurisdiction for geographic diversification of bullion vault storage. New Zealand regularly ranks in the top three positions for business friendliness due to low levels of corruption, personal freedom, lack of red tape, monetary freedom and property ownership rights.

Tax-Free - There are no taxes on bullion in New Zealand. No GST/VAT/Sales/Import/Export tax and no Capital Gains Tax. 

Safe & Stable - New Zealand is a business friendly jurisdiction with high levels of personal and monetary freedom as well as strong property ownership rights. New Zealand is a democratic and politically stable country proud of its independence.

Property Ownership Rights - New Zealand is renowned for a stable legal system with strong property ownership rights. 

Business Climate - New Zealand consistently ranks in the top 3 positions globally in business climate surveys which report on the ease and efficiency on doing business in different countries worldwide.

Geographic Location - New Zealand is appealing due to its geographic location. No country is further away from the world's trouble spots.

Click here to read more about Vault Storage in New Zealand.

Check out our other jurisdictions: United States, Singapore

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Why BullionStar?

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