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In this blog, BullionStar shares what's happening inside BullionStar
as well as news and research from the local and global precious metals markets.

BullionStar’s Visit to the World Money Fair in Berlin

BullionStar’s Visit to the World Money Fair in Berlin

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In early February, I visited the World Money Fair in Berlin with a number of BullionStar executives, namely, Torgny Persson, CEO of BullionStar, Luke Chua, COO of BullionStar, and also Michael From, CEO of Liberty Silver in Sweden, a company founded by Mr Persson. The World Money Fair is the world’s leading numismatic and precious … Continue Reading arrow

Crude Oil & U.S. Dollar & Gold

Crude Oil & U.S. Dollar & Gold

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In the midst of upwards trending oil prices a decade ago, a US senate committee recommended actions to curb the high oil price to mitigate the negative effect on growth. Ok, great, the oil price went from north of USD 140 in 2008 to around USD 30 now. But now, mainstream economists are disappointed that … Continue Reading arrow

Gold Market Trends 2016

Gold Market Trends 2016

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Let’s look into the crystal ball to see what 2016 – The Year of the Monkey – has in store for us when it comes to the gold market. Gold Price What will the price of gold be at the end of 2016? Will it dip under USD 1,000/oz? To answer that question, we first … Continue Reading arrow

BullionStar Financials 2015 – The Year in Review

BullionStar Financials 2015 – The Year in Review

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2015 was a momentous year for BullionStar with sales revenues totaling SGD 89.6m*, a 69.1% increase from 2014. 2015 also marked the first full calendar year in operation for our unique bullion retail shop, showroom and built-in vault which was launched in July 2014. In 2015, we increased our product range to include over 370 … Continue Reading arrow

Amazing Gold Videos

Amazing Gold Videos

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Uncertainty in the Chinese economy and sliding stock markets has dominated the financial news as of late. While the stock markets are sliding, gold and silver prices are up a few percent since the start of the year. So in the midst of all this, we thought it would good to remind ourselves of the … Continue Reading arrow

2016 Chinese Gold and Silver Pandas

2016 Chinese Gold and Silver Pandas

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The much awaited Chinese Gold and Silver Pandas for 2016 have now been released! Last year, the manufacturer, China Gold Corporation, surprised collectors with their decision to remove the weight and purity inscription on the reverse side of the coin. For this year’s edition, China Gold Corporation once again surprised by revising the weight distribution of the coins. … Continue Reading arrow

The Real Ponzi Scheme

The Real Ponzi Scheme

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BullionStar was founded on the belief that precious metals generally, and gold specifically, has a central role in the monetary sphere. Gold is rare, beautiful and has superior metallic characteristics to other metals. Furthermore, gold is durable, portable, divisible, fungible and possesses intrinsic value. This has led to gold being used as money throughout most … Continue Reading arrow

Cashless Society, Negative Rates, and Hyperinflation – Pt. 1

Cashless Society, Negative Rates, and Hyperinflation – Pt. 1

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If you’d suggested just a few years ago that we’d soon be living in a global economic landscape in which an increasing number of central banks would have their interest rates set to zero, or even negative, most people would have thought you where outright mad. What seemed crazy and absurd then is reality now in an … Continue Reading arrow

Back to Basics: Gold ETFs 101

Back to Basics: Gold ETFs 101

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By Luke Chua, BullionStar     What are the key differences between buying ETF Gold and physical Gold? A Gold Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) attempts to track and ‘mirror’ the price performance of gold bullion by holding gold bars or derivatives and issuing shares backed by their holdings of physical metal or derivatives. A Gold ETF, like GLD, has their shares sold in... Continue Reading arrow

BullionStar Fiscal 2015 – Year in Review

BullionStar Fiscal 2015 – Year in Review

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BullionStar reported sales revenues of SGD 63.4 for FY 2015, up 43.8 % compared to FY 2014. The infographic below shows some of the highlights of the BullionStar’s financial year 2015. Continue Reading arrow

BullionStar Featured on Channel 8 News

BullionStar Featured on Channel 8 News

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The price of both gold and silver has fallen substantially during the last few weeks. This has ushered in a waive of physical gold and silver buying, with very large volumes and a lot of first time customers. When the largest channel for the mandarin speaking public in Singapore, Channel 8, made a news coverage … Continue Reading arrow

The Misinterpretation of Money

The Misinterpretation of Money

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In its simplest form, money is a substitution for barter to make trade more efficient (formally: medium of exchange) but money is also a means for generating production by allowing for saving and investment (store of value) and for accounting and reconciliation (unit of account). Different economic schools view money differently. Even for the doctrines advocating … Continue Reading arrow

Paper vs. Physical Gold & Silver in Times of Crisis

Paper vs. Physical Gold & Silver in Times of Crisis

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The Past Fortnight It has been a tense, volatile and dramatic fortnight to say the least. In fickle fashion, Greece went from ‘No!’ to ‘Yes!’ with the terms of the deal seemingly less in their favour then before. In volatile fashion, the Shanghai Composite Index crashed and “recovered" when the Chinese government tighten margin requirements for … Continue Reading arrow

Gold Price & Gold Demand

Gold Price & Gold Demand

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This interview with Torgny Persson and Gustav Andersson from BullionStar was conducted by the Singaporean blogger SG Wealth Builder 8 July 2015. Question: In view of the emergence of China as the leading producer and importer of gold bullion, what do you think would be the implications for the global markets and how should investors in … Continue Reading arrow

Oxi (No) is the Vote; Increased Demand For Gold

Oxi (No) is the Vote; Increased Demand For Gold

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PRESS RELEASE 6th July 2015 For immediate release Singapore: Demand for physical gold has increased significantly in the last week leading up to the Greek referendum and is expected to continue to increase following Sunday’s outcome of the referendum with 61 % voting No. Mr. Torgny Persson, CEO of BullionStar Pte Ltd says: ”Demand for … Continue Reading arrow

Gold Replacing the U.S. Dollar as Reserve Asset

Gold Replacing the U.S. Dollar as Reserve Asset

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The title to this blog post may feel contradictory as the US Dollar has appreciated against all other major currencies during the last year. One year ago, it took 74 euro-cents to buy one US Dollar, today it takes 89 euro-cents. Source: BullionStar Charts The US has for most of the last half century been … Continue Reading arrow

Back to Basics: Debt 101

Back to Basics: Debt 101

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Debt makes the world go round – Anon. Money at present, as we covered in the previous chapter, is merely a debt that a government owes you that can be used to pay for another debt of your choice. Now, if money – the basic medium of all transactions – is debt, what happens when this translates into something a bit more … Continue Reading arrow

Interview With Koos Jansen, Torgny Persson, and Ronan Manly

Interview With Koos Jansen, Torgny Persson, and Ronan Manly

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Interview with BullionStar’s three bloggers, Mr. Koos Jansen, Mr. Ronan Manly and BullionStar’s CEO, Mr. Torgny Persson, sharing their opinions of the current monetary system, gold and central banks. Koos Jansen Torgny Persson … Continue Reading arrow

Back to Basics: Money 101

Back to Basics: Money 101

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Money’s a matter of functions four, A Medium, a Measure, a Standard, a Store. – William Stanley Jevons, Money and the Mechanism of Exchange (1875) As this simple poetic stanza rolls off your tongue in military-like cadence, it encapsulates the very definition of money with unrivaled precision and simplicity. This is Money 101. Money is: 1. A … Continue Reading arrow

What to Make of the Staggering US Trade Deficit?

What to Make of the Staggering US Trade Deficit?

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March 2015 Data When the imports and exports figures of March were released, the world was taken aback when the United States announced that their trade deficit has ballooned $51.4 billion, a 43% increase from February, where the deficit was “only" $35.9 billion. Though there was a slight jump in exports, from $186.2 billion to … Continue Reading arrow

Bank Bail-Ins Mean That You Don’t Own Your Money

Bank Bail-Ins Mean That You Don’t Own Your Money

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Bank deposits The account balance on your bank account is known as a demand deposit. Under our Fractional Reserve Banking (FRB) system, your deposits are used by the banks to leverage lending. What most people think of as their account balance is actually something very different. Many people mistakenly believe that their account balance shows how much they own. … Continue Reading arrow

Introducing FreeGold

Introducing FreeGold

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In my last post, US Dollar as Reserve Currency – Credibility Inflation, I briefly touched on a few ideas relating to FreeGold such as the demand for the US Dollar as a savings instrument temporarily propping up the fiat/debt/money system. What is FreeGold? FreeGold is not a single theory but an understanding of how past events have formed a … Continue Reading arrow

The US Dollar as Reserve Currency – Credibility Inflation

The US Dollar as Reserve Currency – Credibility Inflation

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US Dollar as Reserve Currency In my last post, I discussed and compared different bank reserve systems. With the introduction of the US central bank, the Federal Reserve, in 1913, banks started to take larger risks expanding credit as they knew the central bank was backstopping them. With the monetary ties to gold severed in … Continue Reading arrow

Gold or Fiat? That's the Question…

Gold or Fiat? That's the Question…

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What happens when you deposit money at the bank? Most people don’t think much about it. The bank probably safekeeps the money in their vault. Then I can come to the bank to withdraw my money any time. Right? Wrong. When you deposit money at the bank, you immediately relinquish your ownership to that money. The bank will not … Continue Reading arrow

Pro-Gold Governments and Central Banks

Pro-Gold Governments and Central Banks

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Many gold bugs argue that governments and central banks are generally biased against gold. In some cases, like I described in my previous post, they are right. Certain countries, with India as the most notable example, have adopted hostile gold policies. In this post, I will however show that the tide has turned with many central banks not … Continue Reading arrow

Anti-Gold Governments and Central Banks

Anti-Gold Governments and Central Banks

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Do central banks understand gold? Do they care about gold? Are they “pro-gold” or “anti-gold”? I will try to shed some light on this frequently discussed subject. In this first post, I will discuss the gold policies of some countries’ often pointed out to make the case that central banks are discouraging private gold hoarding … Continue Reading arrow

BullionStar Financials 2014 – The Year in Review

BullionStar Financials 2014 – The Year in Review

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BullionStar financial oversight at the end of 2014. BullionStar reports 2014 gross revenue of SGD 53 M. The average order was SGD 6,475 whereas the medium order was SGD 1,018. BullionStar.com had more than 850,000 visits in 2014. By introducing new concepts to the bullion industry, BullionStar expects to continue to grow significantly in 2015. Continue Reading arrow

Press Release: the World's First No-Spread Gold Bars!

Press Release: the World's First No-Spread Gold Bars!

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SINGAPORE: Singapore bullion dealer BullionStar Pte Ltd is launching the world’s first physical gold bar traded without any spread between the buy and sell price. BullionStar is offering its customers’ to buy and sell 100 gram gold bars at the exact same price. The obverse of the 100 gram gold bar. The obverse features BullionStar’s … Continue Reading arrow

BullionStar Offers to Pay Employees in Gold & Silver

BullionStar Offers to Pay Employees in Gold & Silver

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BullionStar is the first employer in Singapore to pay employees in Gold and Silver! View Channel News Asia’s coverage featuring BullionStar’s CEO, Mr. Torgny Persson and Sales Manager Mr. Vincent Tie. The press release can be read here. Continue Reading arrow

Introducing the 2015 Perth Mint Lunar Series Coins

Introducing the 2015 Perth Mint Lunar Series Coins

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The 2015 Australian Lunar Silver Goat is now available in stock for immediate delivery.The Chinese Lunar Calandar The ShengXiao, is known in English as the Chinese Zodiac. The Chinese zodiac is a system that relates each year to an animal according to a repeated 12-year cycle. It is based on the ancient 12-year Chinese Lunar … Continue Reading arrow

BullionStar Founder Torgny Persson on Channel News Asia

BullionStar Founder Torgny Persson on Channel News Asia

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Mr Torgny Persson, CEO of BullionStar Pte Ltd gave his views on Channel News Asia 28 August on the reason why gold and silver is valuable and why it is better to own gold than diamonds as the pricing of gold and silver is more transparent. Continue Reading arrow

Buying Gold Using Bitcoin at BullionStar

Buying Gold Using Bitcoin at BullionStar

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Watch this video to see when David from CoinRepublic visited BullionStar’s bullion retail shop at 45 New Bridge Road in Singapore to buy gold using Bitcoins. Continue Reading arrow

BullionStar’s Opening Ceremony

BullionStar’s Opening Ceremony

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  BulllionStar officially opened its bullion retail, showroom and vault Friday 1 August 2014 with many industry representatives being present. Guest of Honor for the opening ceremony was the Swedish charge d’affaires to Singapore Ms. Karin Öhman also helping with the ribbon cutting ceremony.Below follows a transcript from Mr. Persson’s speech from the opening ceremony... Continue Reading arrow

BullionStar’s Torgny Persson on Asia's Gold Market
Is BullionStar’s Bitcoin Idea as Good as Gold?

Is BullionStar’s Bitcoin Idea as Good as Gold?

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Bullionstar’s forray in allowing investors to trade Bitcoin for precious metals was featured in E27 – Asia’s leading resource platform for innovation-led businesses. Continue Reading arrow

Torgny Persson's Passport to Freedom 2014 Presentation

Torgny Persson's Passport to Freedom 2014 Presentation

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“Passport to Freedom" Conference 2014 concluded with a blast in Las Vegas on the 25th Jan 2014! The much sought-after three days’ conference from the 23rd to 25th January 2014 was well-attended by participants from all over the world! Invited as a speaker, CEO Torgny Persson delivered an awesome, informative session on : “How to … Continue Reading arrow

BullionStar’s New Shop Opens in Singapore

BullionStar’s New Shop Opens in Singapore

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BullionStar’s new one-stop-shop for bullion is opening Monday 14 July 11:00 am. Location: 45 New Bridge Road New Bullion Showroom, Retail Shop & Vault – All in one location! With the move we will no longer have any operations in Marina Bay Financial Center Tower 2. More information will follow shortly. Continue Reading arrow

We've Scored 8/10 at Bullion Reviews Singapore!

We've Scored 8/10 at Bullion Reviews Singapore!

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A big thanks to our customers on their great reviews of BullionStar on Bullion Reviews Singapore! Find out how we managed to score a high score of 8 upon 10. Continue Reading arrow

Bitcoin Bullion Dealers Seek Asian Market Entrance

Bitcoin Bullion Dealers Seek Asian Market Entrance

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BullionStar’s CEO was intereviewed by leading alternative currency news portal, Coindesk, for being the first bullion dealer in Asia to offer Bitcoin payment for purchasing physical precious metals. Continue Reading arrow

BullionStar Founder Torgny Persson in The Straits Times

BullionStar Founder Torgny Persson in The Straits Times

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Singapore’s main newspaper interviews BullionStar’s CEO on his thoughts on precious metals. BullionStar CEO Mr Torgny Persson had his interview with Singapore’s main newspaper, The Straits Times, published on 25th May. In the 2-page interview in the Invest section titled ‘Taking a shine to gold and silver’, Mr Persson recounted the reasons why he chose... Continue Reading arrow

Singapore Gold Bar Premiums Hit Record On Tight Supply

Singapore Gold Bar Premiums Hit Record On Tight Supply

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SINGAPORE, May 29 (Reuters) – Premiums for physical gold in Singapore touched new highs this week as supplies proved hard to acquire, even as premiums in other Asian countries eased after gold prices bounced off two-year lows seen in April. Dealers in Singapore, a center for bullion trading in Southeast Asia, were quoting up to … Continue Reading arrow

How to Get Free Offshore Gold Storage in Singapore

How to Get Free Offshore Gold Storage in Singapore

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  Reporting from: Singapore The government of Singapore has been busy in recent years. Not content to be the world’s second freest economy, it has set out on a mission to take the world bullion market by storm. Today, this tiny southeast Asian country at the tip of Malaysia holds only a few percent of … Continue Reading arrow

Gold Falls as Stock Markets Hold Firm

Gold Falls as Stock Markets Hold Firm

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Gold falls after gains seen on Monday, last week * Nikkei edges higher in choppy trade * Coming up: U.S. consumer confidence at 1400 GMT (Updates prices) By A. Ananthalakshmi SINGAPORE, May 28 (Reuters) - Gold fell on Tuesday as Asian stock markets and the dollar firmed after a turbulent week, undermining the metal's appeal … Continue Reading arrow

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