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BullionStar Blogs

BullionStar is renowned for presenting original research and expertise
covering the most important trends in the precious metals markets.

Debunking GFMS’s Gold Demand Statistics

Debunking GFMS’s Gold Demand Statistics

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  • author Koos Jansen

What came to light as on odd discrepancy between GFMS’ Chinese gold demand and “apparent supply" has proven to be a tenacious cover-up by the oldest consultancy firm in the gold market. And not only does GFMS publish incomplete and misleading data on Chinese gold demand, all its supply and demand data is incomplete and misleading. … Continue Reading arrow

The Value-Added Tax System In China’s Domestic Gold Market
Q1 - Q3 2016 China Net Gold Import Hits 905 Tonnes

Q1 - Q3 2016 China Net Gold Import Hits 905 Tonnes

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  • author Koos Jansen

Withdrawals from the vaults of the Shanghai Gold Exchange, which can be used as a proxy for Chinese wholesale gold demand, reached 1,406 tonnes in the first three quarters of 2016. Supply that went through the central bourse consisted of at least 905 tonnes imported gold, roughly 335 tonnes of domestic mine output, and 166 … Continue Reading arrow

November 2016 Gold Market Charts
The Gold Market – Where Transparency Means Secrecy
Gold Price Skyrockets in India After Currency Ban

Gold Price Skyrockets in India After Currency Ban

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  • author BullionStar
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The following guest post was written by Jayant Bhandari in two parts. Part 1 was first published by Jayant on November 9. Part 2 was first published by Jayant on November 16. Parts 1 and 2 were originally published on the ‘Acting-Man.com’ website as “Gold Price Skyrockets in India after Currency Ban" and “Gold Price Skyrockets … Continue Reading arrow

Chinese Banks Are Engaging in Synthetic Gold Leasing
ECB Gold Stored in 5 Locations, Won't Disclose Gold Bar List

ECB Gold Stored in 5 Locations, Won't Disclose Gold Bar List

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  • author Ronan Manly
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The European Central Bank (ECB), creator of the Euro, currently claims to hold 504.8 tonnes of gold reserves. These gold holdings are reflected on the ECB balance sheet and arose from transfers made to the ECB by Euro member national central banks, mainly in January 1999 at the birth of the Euro. As of the … Continue Reading arrow

Dear U.S. Mint: Give Us the Fort Knox Audit Documents!
Bullion Banking 101 – Speech by BullionStar's Torgny Persson
Trump and Gold

Trump and Gold

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It was an event-filled and turbulent evening last night as the results for the 45th US presidential election rolled in, signalling that the majority of the American electorate had voted for Republican candidate Donald Trump. Trump received over 270 of the 538 electoral college votes needed to secure a majority. Trump will now be inaugurated as … Continue Reading arrow

Swiss Gold Refinery Argor-Heraeus to be Acquired
Gold Is Going To Play a Role in a New Monetary System

Gold Is Going To Play a Role in a New Monetary System

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  • author Koos Jansen

In the Netherlands we have a financial newspaper that prints on pink paper and is named “Het Financieel Dagblad”. Basically it’s the Dutch equivalent of the Financial Times. A few weeks ago I was interviewed by two of their reporters, Joost van Kuppeveld and Lenneke Arts. Today the interview was published as part of a … Continue Reading arrow

Bullion Banks Pass the Parcel On El Salvador's Gold Reserves

Bullion Banks Pass the Parcel On El Salvador's Gold Reserves

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  • author Ronan Manly
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Eighteen months ago I wrote a short synopsis of a gold sales transaction by the central bank of El Salvador wherein it had sold 80% (about 5.5 tonnes) of its official gold reserves. The title of the post was “El Salvador’s gold reserves, the BIS, and the bullion banks“. If you thought, why the focus … Continue Reading arrow

Austrian Central Bank Claims To Have Audited Gold at BOE

Austrian Central Bank Claims To Have Audited Gold at BOE

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  • author Koos Jansen

After years of gradually securing its official gold reserves (unwinding leases) the central bank of Austria claims to have completed the audits of its 224 tonnes of gold stored at the BOE. However, it refuses to publish the audit reports and the gold bar list. What could possibly be so sensitive to hide from public eyes? After the Germans … Continue Reading arrow

BullionStar attends 2016 LBMA Conference in Singapore
The Great Physical Gold Supply & Demand Illusion
Tracking ETF & BoE Gold Held in London

Tracking ETF & BoE Gold Held in London

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  • author Ronan Manly
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Just over a year ago, gold researchers Nick Laird, Bron Suchecki, Koos Jansen and myself took a shot at estimating how much physical gold was accounted for in London within the gold-backed ETFs and under Bank of England custody. The results of that exercise are highlighted in September 2015 articles “How many Good Delivery gold bars are in … Continue Reading arrow

The 'Independent' Chair of the LBMA Board
How Constant Is Gold’s Purchasing Power?

How Constant Is Gold’s Purchasing Power?

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  • author Koos Jansen

An often-perceived analysis in the gold community is that gold is the constant in our global economy. But is this true? Yes and no. Allow me to share my observations. Although gold has an exceptionally constant nature, and we have yet to see another currency that can compete with gold’s constant nature, the reality is, … Continue Reading arrow

Blood Brothers: the Bank of England & the LBMA
From Gold Trains to Gold Loans: Italy's Huge Gold Reserves

From Gold Trains to Gold Loans: Italy's Huge Gold Reserves

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  • author Ronan Manly
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Italy’s gold has had an eventful history. Robbed by the Nazis and taken to Berlin. Loaded on to gold trains and sent to Switzerland. Flown from London to Milan and Rome. Used as super-sized collateral for gold backed loans from West Germany while sitting quietly in a vault in New York. Leveraged as a springboard … Continue Reading arrow

Former SEC Official Eyes London Gold & Silver Fix Lawsuits
Infographic: India's Gold Market

Infographic: India's Gold Market

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  • author BullionStar
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The Indian gold market is one of the world’s largest and most extensive gold markets, with an estimated 23,000 tonnes of private gold held within India’s borders. In India, gold is revered and held as a traditional form of savings and wealth preservation, particularly in the form of gold jewellery. With minimal gold mining production, … Continue Reading arrow

Additional Gold & Silver Coins GST-Free in Singapore
Chinese Gold Bar Photos – Lost in Translation

Chinese Gold Bar Photos – Lost in Translation

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  • author Ronan Manly
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China is now in pole position as regards annual global gold mining output. Much if not all of Chinese domestic gold mining output is refined into standard gold by Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) approved refiners and then sold through the SGE. A lot of recycled gold in China also flows through the same refineries. As of … Continue Reading arrow

China’s Rising Gold ETF Market: a Hybrid
IMF Gold Sales: Where 'Transparency' Means 'Secrecy'
Chinese Banks' Huge Precious Metals Holdings Explained
Why the Dutch Central Bank Refuses To Publish Gold Bar List

Why the Dutch Central Bank Refuses To Publish Gold Bar List

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  • author Koos Jansen

My hunt for the gold bar list of the Dutch official gold reserves started in 2015. On September 26 of that year I visited a conference in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, called Reinvent Money. One of the speakers was Jacob De Haan from the Dutch central bank (DNB) Economics and Research Division – you can watch his presentation by clicking here. … Continue Reading arrow

Is There Any Gold Bullion Stored at the U.S. Mint in Denver?

Is There Any Gold Bullion Stored at the U.S. Mint in Denver?

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  • author Ronan Manly
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Anyone with even a passing interest in US official gold reserves will probably recall that the US Treasury claims to hold its gold (8,133.5 tonnes) over four locations in continental United States, namely at three US Mint facilities in Fort Knox (Kentucky), West Point (upstate New York), Denver (Colorado), and at the New York Fed … Continue Reading arrow

Song Xin: Increase Gold Reserves & Join SDR

Song Xin: Increase Gold Reserves & Join SDR

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  • author Koos Jansen

The Chairman of the China Gold Association and General Manager and Party Committee Secretary of China National Gold Group Corporation, the latter being China’s largest gold mining enterprise, is Song Xin and happens to be one of my favorite commentators in China. This gentleman made waves in July 2014 when he candidly wrote on Sina … Continue Reading arrow

The World’s largest Precious Metals Refineries

The World’s largest Precious Metals Refineries

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  • author BullionStar
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There are many precious metals refineries throughout the world, some local to their domestic markets, and some international, even global in scale. Many, but by no means all, of these refineries are on the Good Delivery Lists of gold and/or silver. These lists are maintained by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) and they identify … Continue Reading arrow

The Power Of The Gold Community

The Power Of The Gold Community

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  • author Koos Jansen

Since 2014 I’ve been investigating the alleged audits of the US official gold reserves. Of course my goal is to figure out if these audits are credible, or if they’re invented by the US government to silence the people that think gold has any value and forms the very material basis for a well-functioning monetary system. My … Continue Reading arrow

Spectacular Chinese Gold Demand Denied by Mainstream Media
The Gold Price & Global Flows

The Gold Price & Global Flows

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  • author Koos Jansen

On a firmly rising gold price the UK is one of the largest net importers of gold in 2016. The gold price went up 25 % from $1,061.5 dollars per troy ounce on January 1 to $1,325.8 on June 31. Over this period the UK net imported 583 tonnes and GLD inventory mushroomed by 308 tonnes. In … Continue Reading arrow

Infographic: China's Gold Market

Infographic: China's Gold Market

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  • author BullionStar
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This Chinese Gold Market infographic guides you through the largest physical gold trading market in the world, China. An impressive 16,000 tonnes of gold are held within China’s borders. Did you know that the Chinese wholesale demand for physical gold was an astounding 2,596 metric tonnes in 2015? This was supplied by China mining more … Continue Reading arrow

Stockpiles: the Key to Gold as a Store of Value & Safe Haven

Stockpiles: the Key to Gold as a Store of Value & Safe Haven

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  • author BullionStar
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Much is written in the precious metals world about gold’s characteristics, as well as how the behaviour of the gold price allows gold to play the role of a unique financial asset that retains purchasing power over time, acts as a safe haven asset, diversifies risk, and provides hedging benefits. However, much of the material written … Continue Reading arrow

More Paper Trading Ahead For London Gold & Silver Markets
Australia Confirms Our Analysis On Gold Exports to China
“How Safe is Your Gold?” – Speech by Torgny Persson

“How Safe is Your Gold?” – Speech by Torgny Persson

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  • author BullionStar
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The following is the transcript of a presentation made by BullionStar’s CEO Torgny Persson on 14 July 2016 to an audience at the FreedomFest conference in Las Vegas, USA: Liberty is Prevailing Freedom, ladies and gentleman. Freedom is the right to think, speak and act the way that we want. I think I speak for … Continue Reading arrow

GLD Sponsor Dodges Disclosure Details of Sub-Custodian

GLD Sponsor Dodges Disclosure Details of Sub-Custodian

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  • author Ronan Manly
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In a July 11 BullionStar article, “SPDR Gold Trust gold bars at the Bank of England vaults”, I highlighted that the SPDR Gold Trust (GLD), in it’s Q1 2016 filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), disclosed that during the January – March 2016 quarter, the GLD custodian HSBC had employed the Bank of England as … Continue Reading arrow

Austrian Mint Sells 41 Tonnes of Gold Coins & Bars in 2015

Austrian Mint Sells 41 Tonnes of Gold Coins & Bars in 2015

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  • author Ronan Manly
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Earlier this year, the director of marketing and sales at the Austrian Mint confirmed to Bloomberg in an interview that the Mint’s combined gold bar and gold coin sales in 2015 had totalled 1.32 million troy ounces, a 45% increase on 2014, while the Mint’s silver sales in 2015 had reached 7.3 million ounces, a … Continue Reading arrow

The Revolving Door at the GLD Gold Trust as Execs Flee

The Revolving Door at the GLD Gold Trust as Execs Flee

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  • author Ronan Manly
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A remarkable but little noticed development has occurred behind the scenes of the SPDR Gold Trust (GLD) over the last 3 years. This development concerns the very high level of executive staff turnover at World Gold Trust Services, the New York based ‘Sponsor’ of the mammoth gold GLD gold-backed Exchange Traded Fund that is listed … Continue Reading arrow

Wrap-Up of Our Visit to FreedomFest 2016
Rand Paul at FreedomFest 2016 & BullionStar’s New Game
BullionStar Exhibiting at FreedomFest in Las Vegas
SPDR Gold Trust Gold Bars Being Held at the Bank of England

SPDR Gold Trust Gold Bars Being Held at the Bank of England

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  • author Ronan Manly
  • comments 12 Comments

One of the most notable developments accompanying the gold price rally of 2016 has been the very large additions to the gold bar holdings of the major physically backed gold Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). This is especially true of the SPDR Gold Trust (ticker GLD). The gold bar holdings of the SPDR Gold Trust peaked at 1353 … Continue Reading arrow

Chinese Gold Demand 973t In H1 2016

Chinese Gold Demand 973t In H1 2016

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  • author Koos Jansen

Chinese wholesale gold demand, as measured by withdrawals from the vaults of the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE), reached a sizable 973 metric tonnes in the first half of 2016, down 7 % compared to last year. Although Chinese gold demand year to date at 973 tonnes is slightly down from its record year in 2015 – … Continue Reading arrow

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