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BullionStar Blogs

BullionStar is renowned for presenting original research and expertise
covering the most important trends in the precious metals markets.

Central Banks Care Enough About Gold to Manipulate It
Money as a Measuring Stick

Money as a Measuring Stick

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  • author JP Koning
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Imagine if the world's metre sticks all grew or shrunk a bit each year. That would make for a confusing system of weights and measures, wouldn't it? Well, that is exactly what happens with money.

This post looks at the history of the Pound, the weight and the currency, right up to the modern day Pound Sterling. Continue Reading arrow

Why the World’s Central Banks hold Gold – In their Own Words
BullionStar Wins 1st Place in Bullion Directory’s 2018 Awards
LBMA Alchemy & the London Gold & Silver Markets
Why QE Didn’t Send Gold Up to $20,000

Why QE Didn’t Send Gold Up to $20,000

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  • author JP Koning
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Because quantitative easing created trillions in new dollars, many people thought that this would lead to a hyperinflation and a much higher gold price. Yet this didn't happen. This post explores why. Continue Reading arrow

The Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin
The Celebration of Chinese New Year
The Role of Gold as Turmoil Hits Financial Markets
Should We Restore the Gold Standard?
What’s Happening (or Not) at the LBMA: Some Updates
Your Weight in Gold

Your Weight in Gold

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  • author BullionStar
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There are many phrases and sayings in the English language that illustrate the high-regard with which societies hold for gold. These phrases are embedded into natural language and have evolved over time based on an intrinsic appreciation by civilizations that gold is rare and of high value.

One example is the saying “worth your weight in gold”. Although a metaphor, what... Continue Reading arrow

Bitcoin Backwardation, Gold Contango
Russia & China Are Very Interested in U.S. Gold Reserves
Why Does Money Inflate?

Why Does Money Inflate?

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  • author JP Koning
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People who live in developed nations have grown used to inflation of around 2% a year over the last few decades. Why do prices generally rise by that amount? What drives the purchasing power of money in these countries? This post explores the last thousand years of monetary history--and three different sorts of monetary systems--to help understand the causes of inflation. Continue Reading arrow

December 2017 Gold Market Charts
The 5 Largest Gold Nuggets That Still Exist
Gold For Christmas – Gold’s Importance in Religion
The Most Outlandish Gold Products You Can Buy
Demand in the Singapore Gold Bullion Market
Mustafa Centre: Gold in Singapore
Bitcoin Isn’t Digital Gold; It’s Digital Uselesstainium
November 2017 Gold Market Charts
Russia, China, and BRICS: A New Gold Trading Network
Eat Gold

Eat Gold

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  • author BullionStar
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A common phrase in the mainstream financial media is that ‘you can’t eat gold”. This claim is usually trotted out by CNBC and Bloomberg talking-heads as a way of disparaging the benefits of investing gold in times of crisis. But the claim is both wrong and misleading, because you actually can eat gold. And drink it too.

Furthermore, Wall Street and its cheerleaders are... Continue Reading arrow

Buy Silver Bullion in Singapore

Buy Silver Bullion in Singapore

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  • author BullionStar
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Singapore offers a number of benefits when buying and storing silver. In Singapore, the majority of silver bullion bars and silver bullion coins from the world’s major mints and refineries are exempt from Goods and Services Tax (GST). There are also no taxes or duties on the import or export of silver. Singapore is also … Continue Reading arrow

Your Weight in Gold

Your Weight in Gold

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  • author BullionStar
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If you buy and take delivery of gold bars or gold coins and want to keep your gold close at hand in your own home, you will still need to ensure that it is safely stored on your property, preferably in a hidden location that only you and close family members are aware of. There are many hiding places in a house or on a property to store gold, some more sensible than others.... Continue Reading arrow

28 Reasons to Buy Physical Gold
Zimbabwe's Hyperinflation is Back

Zimbabwe's Hyperinflation is Back

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  • author JP Koning
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Despite having dollarized back in 2008, Zimbabwe has once again entered hyperinflation territory. With it, the infamous dictator and the world's oldest leader at 93, Robert Mugabe, is finally losing grip of power. In this blog post, you can read about Zimbabwe's recent monetary experiment again hideously trying to issue a new version of the Zimbabwe dollar. Continue Reading arrow

China Gold Import Jan-Sep 797t. Who’s Supplying?
LME Gold & Silver Reference Prices: Will Anyone Notice?
October 2017 Gold Market Charts
Degussa Singapore Closes Retail Store
Neck and Neck: Russian & Chinese Official Gold Reserves
The Gold-Backed-Oil-Yuan Futures Contract Myth
BullionStar Rebuilds Community Center in Indonesia
Essentials of China's Gold Market
September 2017 Gold Market Charts
LBMA Silver Benchmark – Changes, But No Wider Participation
Torgny Persson: Will Gold Hit $65,000 in 5 Years?
Winners of BullionStar's Silver Britannia Competition
BullionStar Media & Original Content
BullionStar Financials FY 2017 – Year in Review
August 2017 Gold Market Charts
Mnuchin’s Fort Knox Visit Proves Nothing About U.S. Gold
BullionStar Quoted in WSJ Article on New York Fed Gold
BullionStar Presents on Real Vision TV
Can Gold Surge to $65,000 in 5 Years?
LBMA Gold Vault Data: How Low is the London Gold Float?
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