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BullionStar Blogs

BullionStar is renowned for presenting original research and expertise
covering the most important trends in the precious metals markets.

Paper vs. Physical Gold & Silver in Times of Crisis
Gold Price & Gold Demand

Gold Price & Gold Demand

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  • author BullionStar
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This interview with Torgny Persson and Gustav Andersson from BullionStar was conducted by the Singaporean blogger SG Wealth Builder 8 July 2015. Question: In view of the emergence of China as the leading producer and importer of gold bullion, what do you think would be the implications for the global markets and how should investors in … Continue Reading arrow

China Rapidly Changing International Gold Market

China Rapidly Changing International Gold Market

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  • author Koos Jansen

Since 2007 China has the largest domestic gold mining output, since 2011 the Shanghai Gold Exchange has been the largest physical gold exchange and in 2013 and 2014 China was the largest importer. Now the Chinese seek to escalate pricing power. From the beginning of the liberalization of China’s gold market in 2002, the governor … Continue Reading arrow

How Much Are Chinese Gold Reserves?

How Much Are Chinese Gold Reserves?

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  • author Koos Jansen

There has been much speculation about a slide from chairman and secretary-general of the China Gold Association Zhang Bingnan presented at the LBMA forum in Shanghai June 25, 2015. The slide states Chinese gold reserves are 9,816.03 tonnes, however, this refers to in ground mining reserves. I have never received so many emails and tweets as … Continue Reading arrow

Oxi (No) is the Vote; Increased Demand For Gold

Oxi (No) is the Vote; Increased Demand For Gold

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  • author BullionStar
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PRESS RELEASE 6th July 2015 For immediate release Singapore: Demand for physical gold has increased significantly in the last week leading up to the Greek referendum and is expected to continue to increase following Sunday’s outcome of the referendum with 61 % voting No. Mr. Torgny Persson, CEO of BullionStar Pte Ltd says: ”Demand for … Continue Reading arrow

Global Financial Turmoil, Gold Price Doesn’t Move
Former U.S. Mint Director Clueless On Gold In Fort Knox

Former U.S. Mint Director Clueless On Gold In Fort Knox

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  • author Koos Jansen

The Curious Case Of Edmund C. Moy Former US Mint director Ed Moy has made numerous false and self-contradictory statements regarding the gold at Fort Knox – a facility managed by the US Mint. The is post is a sequel to A First Glance At US Official Gold Reserves Audits, Second Thoughts On US Official Gold Reserves Audits and … Continue Reading arrow

Gold Fund To Serve The New Strategy Of The Silk Road
Pre-2015 London Gold Fixings Were Surprisingly Sophisticated
Strong Withdrawals From China & Hong Kong Gold Vaults

Strong Withdrawals From China & Hong Kong Gold Vaults

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  • author Koos Jansen

From June 8 – 12 withdrawals from SGE certified vaults in China mainland and CME Kilobar vaults in Hong Kong accounted 76 for tonnes. Withdrawals from the vaults of the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) and Shanghai International Gold Exchange (SGEI) came in elevated for this time a year at 46 tonnes in week 23 (June 8 … Continue Reading arrow

Gold in Bank of England Custody Drops 351t

Gold in Bank of England Custody Drops 351t

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  • author Koos Jansen

The Bank Of England (BOE) has recently released its annual report in which it’s disclosed the gold held in custody for a range of customers was 5,134 metric tonnes on February 28, 2015, down 351 tonnes (6 %) form the previous year. The data on gold in custody at the BOE is disclosed in billions of Great British … Continue Reading arrow

Koos Jansen Interviews Gold Futures Trader Petko Bankoff

Koos Jansen Interviews Gold Futures Trader Petko Bankoff

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  • author Koos Jansen

Out of my interest in every participant in the gold market – not only physical gold advocates – I’ve interviewed gold futures trader Petko Bankoff from Bulgaria. Thanks Petko for your time to answer my questions! What’s your background? I graduated the High School of Maths and Natural Sciences with the specialty “Earth sciences and English … Continue Reading arrow

Bank of China Joins LBMA Gold Price (London Gold Fix)

Bank of China Joins LBMA Gold Price (London Gold Fix)

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  • author Koos Jansen

Originally published by the LBMA. Tuesday 16th June 2015. LBMA Gold Price – Bank of China joins as new participant. The LBMA today is pleased to announce that the Bank of China has been approved by ICE Benchmark Administration (IBA) to participate in the LBMA Gold Price auction process, administered by IBA. On 20 March, … Continue Reading arrow

Gold Replacing the U.S. Dollar as Reserve Asset

Gold Replacing the U.S. Dollar as Reserve Asset

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  • author BullionStar
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The title to this blog post may feel contradictory as the US Dollar has appreciated against all other major currencies during the last year. One year ago, it took 74 euro-cents to buy one US Dollar, today it takes 89 euro-cents. Source: BullionStar Charts The US has for most of the last half century been … Continue Reading arrow

Rectifying Chinese Gold Trading Rules

Rectifying Chinese Gold Trading Rules

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  • author Koos Jansen

I’ve found more detailed rules on the workings of the Chinese gold market regarding, (i) the use of onshore renminbi for contracts traded on the Shanghai International Gold Exchange (SGEI), (ii) gold sales of Chinese domestic gold mines. Previously I’ve written posts on these subjects that contained inaccurate information that I would like to correct. … Continue Reading arrow

Western Consultants' False Arguments About SGE Withdrawals

Western Consultants' False Arguments About SGE Withdrawals

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  • author Koos Jansen

More false arguments – that should explain the difference between Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) withdrawals and Chinese gold demand as disclosed by the World Gold Council – are being spread in the gold space. The most recent argument is gold export from China. Since 2013 I’ve been writing the World Gold Council (WGC) is grossly … Continue Reading arrow

Back to Basics: Debt 101

Back to Basics: Debt 101

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Debt makes the world go round – Anon. Money at present, as we covered in the previous chapter, is merely a debt that a government owes you that can be used to pay for another debt of your choice. Now, if money – the basic medium of all transactions – is debt, what happens when this translates into something a bit more … Continue Reading arrow

The Redeployment of Asia’s Forex Reserves

The Redeployment of Asia’s Forex Reserves

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  • author Koos Jansen

China’s New Silk Road initiatives provide it with a way to use its huge pile of foreign exchange, and its gold-buying could lead to more balanced international monetary regime By Miriam L. Campanella and Koos Jansen Originally published on Caixin Online. The New Silk Road initiatives, also known as the “One Belt, One Road" plan, … Continue Reading arrow

The World Gold Council's Funding Model

The World Gold Council's Funding Model

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  • author Ronan Manly
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In a little noticed development at the end of March 2015, World Gold Council (WGC) member company Newcrest Mining of Australia ceased to be a member of the WGC, thereby reducing the Council’s membership from 19 to 18 gold mining companies. Newcrest Mining is one of the world’s largest gold mining companies and Australia’s largest … Continue Reading arrow

Media Failure On Russian Gold Reserves

Media Failure On Russian Gold Reserves

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  • author Koos Jansen

Last week I wrote how I can disagree with other media, be it mainstream or alternative, Chinese, Russian or English, on the reporting of the gold market. This week another perfect example came by, from Russian news outlet Sputnik International. According to this press agency the Russian Central Bank (CBR) currently holds 360 billion US … Continue Reading arrow

U.S. Government Lost 7 Fort Knox Gold Audit Reports

U.S. Government Lost 7 Fort Knox Gold Audit Reports

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  • author Koos Jansen

There Is No Proof All Gold Is In Fort Knox This post is a sequel to A First Glance At US Official Gold Reserves Audits and Second Thoughts On US Official Gold Reserves Audits. Every year the gold in Fort Knox is ‘audited’ by checking the official joint seals that were placed on all vault … Continue Reading arrow

Will the Yuan Renminbi Be Fully Convertible in 2015?

Will the Yuan Renminbi Be Fully Convertible in 2015?

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  • author Koos Jansen

Let us begin by looking at withdrawals from the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE), as this is the best indicator for demand in the Chinese wholesale market – read this post for the mechanics of the Chinese gold market. In week 20 (May 18 – 22) withdrawals accounted for 43 tonnes, down 6.57 % week on week, but … Continue Reading arrow

Don’t Believe Everything You Read On The Internet

Don’t Believe Everything You Read On The Internet

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  • author Koos Jansen

Wholesale gold demand measured by withdrawals from Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) vaults remains very strong this year at 45 tonnes in week 19 (May 11 -15). Year to date 903 tonnes have been withdrawn. Year to date withdrawals are up 20 % from 2014 and 8 % from 2013. In the next chart we can … Continue Reading arrow

Interview With Koos Jansen, Torgny Persson, and Ronan Manly

Interview With Koos Jansen, Torgny Persson, and Ronan Manly

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  • author BullionStar
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Interview with BullionStar’s three bloggers, Mr. Koos Jansen, Mr. Ronan Manly and BullionStar’s CEO, Mr. Torgny Persson, sharing their opinions of the current monetary system, gold and central banks. Koos Jansen Torgny Persson … Continue Reading arrow

Xinhua: China Sets Up Gold Fund For Central Banks

Xinhua: China Sets Up Gold Fund For Central Banks

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  • author Koos Jansen

On May 12, 2015, I reported China’s Silk Road economic project would include gold business. A month prior to that Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) chairman Xu Luode had “proposed to integrate gold market development into the strategic development plan of the Silk Road”. Shortly after, in early May it was announced gold mining company Polyus … Continue Reading arrow

Austria Repatriates 110 Tonnes From UK

Austria Repatriates 110 Tonnes From UK

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  • author Koos Jansen

Austria is repatriating gold from the vaults at the Bank Of England (BOE) at this very moment, according to Kronen Zeitung. The OeNB (central bank of the Republic of Austria) stored 82 % of its 280 tonnes at the depository in England. It will start by bringing back 110 tonnes to Austria, to eventually have 50 … Continue Reading arrow

Chinese Gold Leasing Not What It Seems

Chinese Gold Leasing Not What It Seems

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  • author Koos Jansen

Welcome to another episode of understanding how mainstream consultancy firms (the World Gold Council, GFMS, CPM Group, Precious Metals Insights) understate Chinese gold demand. One of their main arguments is that hundreds if not thousands of tonnes are tied up in Chinese Commodity Financing Deals (CCFDs). As it was first stated by the World Gold Council … Continue Reading arrow

Back to Basics: Money 101

Back to Basics: Money 101

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Money’s a matter of functions four, A Medium, a Measure, a Standard, a Store. – William Stanley Jevons, Money and the Mechanism of Exchange (1875) As this simple poetic stanza rolls off your tongue in military-like cadence, it encapsulates the very definition of money with unrivaled precision and simplicity. This is Money 101. Money is: 1. A … Continue Reading arrow

SGE Withdrawals vs. WGC Demand Q1 2015

SGE Withdrawals vs. WGC Demand Q1 2015

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  • author Koos Jansen

Welcome back to my weekly post on the Chinese gold market, usually centered around data regarding Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) withdrawals from the vaults. I’ve been away for a short while because I had some health issues – I’ll be fine, I just need a little time. The good news is I slowly started working a … Continue Reading arrow

U.S. National Archives Releases 1978 Diplomatic Cables
Venezuela’s Gold Reserves – Part 2

Venezuela’s Gold Reserves – Part 2

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  • author Ronan Manly
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This is Part 2 of a two-part series. Part 1, titled “Venezuela’s Gold Reserves – Part 1: El Oro, El BCV, y Los Bancos de Lingotes“, provided a historical overview of Venezuela’s gold and looked at where the gold, and the claims on gold, were located just prior to repatriation in 2011, especially the gold … Continue Reading arrow

Venezuela’s Gold Reserves – Part 1

Venezuela’s Gold Reserves – Part 1

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  • author Ronan Manly
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Venezuela’s gold reserves have rarely stayed out of the financial news headlines over the last four years. From initial gold repatriation announcements in August 2011, through to gold shipments from Europe to Venezuela’s capital, Caracas, in late 2011 and early 2012, as well as the more recent negotiations on using gold in swaps and for … Continue Reading arrow

China’s Silk Road Economic Project Will Include Gold

China’s Silk Road Economic Project Will Include Gold

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  • author Koos Jansen

The Chinese government seems to be very keen on developing the New Silk Road Economic Belt as fast as possible; an initiative, said to be designed by President Xi Jinping himself, that will increase economic cooperation in the wide Eurasian region. At a stunning speed China and Russia take the lead in strengthening ties in the … Continue Reading arrow

What to Make of the Staggering US Trade Deficit?

What to Make of the Staggering US Trade Deficit?

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  • author BullionStar
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March 2015 Data When the imports and exports figures of March were released, the world was taken aback when the United States announced that their trade deficit has ballooned $51.4 billion, a 43% increase from February, where the deficit was “only" $35.9 billion. Though there was a slight jump in exports, from $186.2 billion to … Continue Reading arrow

Top Netherlands Newspaper Interviews Koos Jansen

Top Netherlands Newspaper Interviews Koos Jansen

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  • author Koos Jansen

From De Telegraaf, Thursday April 9, 2015. By Theo Besteman: China Conquers The World With Gold After a serious knee surgery in 2013 sound engineer Jan Nieuwenhuijs began a blog about gold. Two years later, the 33-year old from Amsterdam is an international gold expert, his analyzes are praised by investors on Wall Street. “China takes over US … Continue Reading arrow

Bank Bail-Ins Mean That You Don’t Own Your Money
El Salvador’s Gold Reserves, the BIS, and the Bullion Banks

El Salvador’s Gold Reserves, the BIS, and the Bullion Banks

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  • author Ronan Manly
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According to a Reuters report from 24 April, the central bank of El Salvador, Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador (BCR), sold approximately 80% of its gold reserves during March 2015. This sale comprised 5.412 tons of gold and raised $206 million for the Bank. Reuters initiated its story based on updates to the … Continue Reading arrow

Introducing FreeGold

Introducing FreeGold

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In my last post, US Dollar as Reserve Currency – Credibility Inflation, I briefly touched on a few ideas relating to FreeGold such as the demand for the US Dollar as a savings instrument temporarily propping up the fiat/debt/money system. What is FreeGold? FreeGold is not a single theory but an understanding of how past events have formed a … Continue Reading arrow

The US Dollar as Reserve Currency – Credibility Inflation

The US Dollar as Reserve Currency – Credibility Inflation

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US Dollar as Reserve Currency In my last post, I discussed and compared different bank reserve systems. With the introduction of the US central bank, the Federal Reserve, in 1913, banks started to take larger risks expanding credit as they knew the central bank was backstopping them. With the monetary ties to gold severed in … Continue Reading arrow

Gold or Fiat? That's the Question…

Gold or Fiat? That's the Question…

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  • author BullionStar
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What happens when you deposit money at the bank? Most people don’t think much about it. The bank probably safekeeps the money in their vault. Then I can come to the bank to withdraw my money any time. Right? Wrong. When you deposit money at the bank, you immediately relinquish your ownership to that money. The bank will not … Continue Reading arrow

The IMF’s Gold Depositories – Part 3

The IMF’s Gold Depositories – Part 3

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  • author Ronan Manly
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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is authorized to use its gold holdings to engage in gold location swaps and has done so frequently in the past. This has involved gold location swaps with the entities who maintain the gold vaults where the IMF stores its gold, such as the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, … Continue Reading arrow

The Shanghai International Gold Exchange Comes To Life

The Shanghai International Gold Exchange Comes To Life

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  • author Koos Jansen

In September 2014 the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) launched its International Board, the Shanghai International Gold Exchange (SGEI). After a slow start, the volume of the physical SGEI kilobar contract (iAu99.99) has transcended all other SGE contracts in week 15 (April 6- 10). The primary goals for the launch of the SGEI was to facilitate … Continue Reading arrow

Pro-Gold Governments and Central Banks

Pro-Gold Governments and Central Banks

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Many gold bugs argue that governments and central banks are generally biased against gold. In some cases, like I described in my previous post, they are right. Certain countries, with India as the most notable example, have adopted hostile gold policies. In this post, I will however show that the tide has turned with many central banks not … Continue Reading arrow

Zooming in on the Chinese Gold Lease Market
Guest Post: Spelling Out the Big Reset

Guest Post: Spelling Out the Big Reset

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  • author Koos Jansen

Written by LK in Hong Kong As economies age, debt builds up. Advanced economies – those with the highest borrowing ratings by the reputable agencies they developed – have it clogging up inside all their arteries. The Big Reset will finally become inevitable, as has been acknowledged by the IMF head Largarde, mentioning the year 2020. … Continue Reading arrow

Thoughts On The Price Of Gold

Thoughts On The Price Of Gold

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  • author Koos Jansen

Withdrawals from the Shanghai Gold exchange (SGE), which equal Chinese wholesale gold demand, in week 12 (March 23 – 27) accounted for 46 tonnes, down 14.5 % w/w. Year to date total withdrawals have reached 607 tonnes, up 9 % from 2014, up 33 % from 2013. Ever wondered why Chinese demand doesn’t move the price … Continue Reading arrow

Anti-Gold Governments and Central Banks

Anti-Gold Governments and Central Banks

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  • author BullionStar
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Do central banks understand gold? Do they care about gold? Are they “pro-gold” or “anti-gold”? I will try to shed some light on this frequently discussed subject. In this first post, I will discuss the gold policies of some countries’ often pointed out to make the case that central banks are discouraging private gold hoarding … Continue Reading arrow

This Is What The AIIB Is About

This Is What The AIIB Is About

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  • author Koos Jansen

Until March 31 countries can submit for membership of the Asian Investment Infrastructure Bank (AIIB), a financial institution proposed by China, which has the purpose of being a multilateral framework to finance infrastructure projects in the wide Eurasian region. In recent weeks many Western countries have submitted for membership, the US rejected application as it fears … Continue Reading arrow

When Will China Disclose Its True Official Gold Reserves?
China Joining the New Gold Fix Will Mean Less Manipulation

China Joining the New Gold Fix Will Mean Less Manipulation

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  • author Koos Jansen

On March 24, 2015, Euronews broadcasted Business Middle East, in which Nour Al Hammoury from ADS securities, stated that if Chinese banks would join the new gold fix it would be less sensitive for manipulation. Having Chinese banks participate in the fix, would indeed be very welcome. If you like to read more about if Chinese … Continue Reading arrow

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